Erling shares state park news for November 2023

State Park News November 2023

Here are the top state park news stories for November 2023. We are working to provide you with a summary of the most interesting state park news stories each month. If you have a state park news story we missed, let us know by leaving a comment.

Hiking in Hawaii

We love state parks. We recently had the chance to visit parks in Hawaii where we experienced some amazing views and incredible hikes. What a beautiful place. More to come on that adventure soon.

Erling and Judy next to a sign for Waianapanapa State Park

Bear Attacks Travel Trailer

Gorges State Park campground will be closed for the next two weeks – until November 16. NC State Parks reported that a black bear attacked a travel trailer. We saw the notice from NC Parks on Instagram.

While the park remains open for day use, visitors are warned to be alert and aware of interactions with bears. Their recommendation is Do Not Approach a Bear. Sounds like good advice. We hope everyone is safe and that the parks strategy for reducing human-bear interactions succeed.

News Story Black Bear attacks travel trailer in Gorges State Park North Carolina

Please check the NC State Parks website for further details and to plan or adjust your upcoming visit to the park.

ND Parks Anniversaries

Lewis & Clark State Park and Fort Stevenson State Park in North Dakota will be celebrating their 50th anniversary in 2024. ND Parks has announced that they’ll have anniversary events all year and is encouraging people to get their annual park pass.

While they are changing to a new park reservation system, passes can still be purchased through the end of the year at the Parks & Rec website. A single vehicle permit is $35 while a 2 vehicle pass can be purchased for $55.

For more information on these park anniversaries and to purchase your park pass, go to the ND Parks and Recreation website.

Opt Outside

South Carolina state parks are offering free admission to all SC state parks on Friday, November 24 – otherwise known as Black Friday. They are encouraging people to opt for an outdoor adventure rather than spend the day shopping.

Huntington Beach State Park

We’ve spent Black Friday at Huntington Beach State Park and can attest that this is a great way to enjoy some outdoor time. Of course, you can check out our Huntington Beach SP video and blog post with details to help you plan your visit.

Bicycling at Huntington Beach State Park

If you choose to Opt Outside, share a picture of your adventure using #OptOutside and #OptOutsideSC hash tags.

More details are on the South Carolina State Parks site.

Holiday Shopping

You might be starting your Christmas shopping. If so, consider how you might be able to get a gift someone will love while also helping State Parks.

How about a hat, shirt, or mug featuring your favorite park. Or, consider giving that someone special an annual park pass so they can enjoy the outdoors in 2024.

Indiana’s parks even have a DNR Holiday Gift Pack available. Each pack includes a park entrance pass, a gift card, and a subscription to Outdoor Indiana Magazine. Check out the Indiana State Park Stores website for more details.

State Park News on YouTube

We share state park news on our YouTube channel. Check out our October 2023 state park news video.

Erling shares state park news for November 2023
Erling Shares November’s State Park News

Share Your Thoughts

We hope you have a great November. Get out and enjoy a bit of time in nature. Thanks for joining us and we look forward to seeing you real soon.

If you have a state park news story to share, we’d love to hear it. Leave a comment to let us know.

We love state parks. We shared six reasons why we love state parks in our recent post and video. If you love state parks, too, let us know your favorite. 

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