5 Favorite Kettlebell Exercise Moves
I’ll share my 5 favorite kettlebell exercise moves and how you can get fit at home or on the road while using minimal personal fitness equipment.
Why I Do Kettlebell Exercise At Home
I like to stay fit. Exercise not only helps me on my journey to achieve my fitness goals but it also is a great stress reliever and mood booster. I have almost always belonged to a gym or fitness center. A few years back, a friend of mine invited me to try CrossFit. It was a love-hate relationship! We had a small group that would meet every morning at the CrossFit gym at 5:30 am to start our day working hard to loud music.
The coaches were amazing and showed me how to do all the moves and made sure I was doing them right. Although the workouts were often grueling, I loved that my group supported each other and cheered each other to try for new personal bests. Our group consisted of people of all fitness levels and ages. I really liked doing group exercise and the functional strength training I was doing was helping me stay fit. My daily CrossFit workouts kept me fit and energized. But, unfortunately, my gym closed and I had to search for other options.
I learned the workouts well enough that I could do some at home or when traveling. It is great to have the flexibility of continuing to exercise even when you can’t make it to the gym or no longer have a gym. One of my favorite on-the-go or at home workout equipment is the kettlebell.
Before I go too far with describing my workout, I should note that this is intended for entertainment purposes only. Before you begin any exercise program, please consult with your doctor.

My top five favorite kettlebell exercise moves are:
- Strict press
- Bent over row
- Kettlebell swing
- Goblet squat
- Walking lunge

Kettlebell Workout Demo On YouTube
To demonstrate a few difference movements you can do almost anywhere with just one piece of equipment, I made a short YouTube video that demonstrates my 5 favorite kettlebell exercise moves.
With just these five moves and a kettlebell, you can exercise at home or when traveling. If you don’t have a kettlebell, you can use a dumbbell or other heavy object. You may want to start without a weight and practice the movements and then add weight later. And, always watch your back and knees to make sure you are doing the moves right so that you don’t get injured.
If you want to learn more moves and get a workout of the day, you might want to check out Street Parking. I started using Street Parking a few months ago and I am really enjoying it. For more information, check out my review. I’ll be posting it soon.
Products Mentioned
There is some basic personal training equipment I find helpful to use in my workouts. I recommend having at least two kettlebells and several pairs of dumbbells of different weights. If you will be doing your workout outside on gravel or hard terrain, a workout mat is essential. Two other things that are helpful are an ab mat and a jump rope.
The products mentioned in this post available at Amazon and other retailers. Note: these are affiliate links. If you choose to purchase by using the link there is no additional cost to you, but we earn a commission that helps enable us to continue sharing helpful information. The items linked here are similar to the ones we use.
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