Erling shares state park news for January 2024

State Park News January 2024

Here are the top state park news stories for January 2024. We are working to provide you with a summary of the most interesting state park news stories each month. If you have a state park news story we missed, let us know by leaving a comment.

First Day Hike

A First Day Hike is a hike done on the first day of the year – January 1. We love getting outdoors and this seems like a great start to a new year. There are first day hiking events at parks all across the country. We encourage you to get outside and take a hike.

First Day Hike January 1 2024

Christmas Tree Recycling

Now that the holidays are winding down, you might be wondering what to do with your Christmas tree. Several state parks offer programs to recycle trees while improving habitats.

Claytor Lake State Park in Virginia is using the trees to build fish habitat. As a bonus, this will lead to better fishing opportunities later in the year. If you donate a tree until January 16, they’ll even provide you with access to the park for the day.

Other parks offer similar programs. Popham Beach State Park in Maine and Gulf State Park in Alabama use trees to improve dunes, helping reduce erosion from wind and waves.

If you are looking to recycle your tree for a good purpose, check to see if a park near you is accepting donations.

Ice Age Fossils State Park

A new state park opens in Nevada this month. Ice Age Fossils State Park will be officially open to the public on Saturday, January 20, 2024.

While this park won’t offer camping, there are several hiking trails available where you might catch a look of a fossil from an ice age mammal like a mammoth, an American lion, a ground sloth, or even a camel. Who knew that there once were camels in Nevada?

This park sounds really interesting. We can’t wait to take a hike and hope to see an interesting fossil on the way.

State Park News on YouTube

We share state park news on our YouTube channel. Check out our December 2023 state park news video.

State Park News January 2024
Erling Shares December’s State Park News

Share Your Thoughts

We started sharing our State Park News posts & videos at the start of 2023. We have been enjoying learning about state parks all across the US and sharing what we learned with you. Hopefully you are finding it interesting and helpful. Let us know what you think. We’d sure appreciate the feedback. And If you have a state park news story to share, we’d love to hear it. Leave a comment to let us know.

We love state parks. We shared six reasons why we love state parks in our recent post and video. If you love state parks, too, let us know your favorite. 

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