Hi. We’re Erling & Judy with Travel Trail Sail. We love to travel and enjoy the outdoor lifestyle; hiking, sailing or just enjoying a campfire with friends. In 2010, we took an RV travel sabbatical, heading “Out West” to visit some of America’s most amazing places: the Grand Canyon, Glacier, Yellowstone, Grand Teton, Wind Cave, Roosevelt National Park and Mount Rushmore. Since then, we have continued our camping journey visiting Acadia, Smoky Mountains, and even camping at Disney World.
We enjoyed camping and sharing our experiences so much, we continued to camp & share. The result is Travel Trail Sail – your Guide for Travel Inspiration where we share our tips & tricks on RV travel, camping & adventure, RV parks & campgrounds, gear reviews, tasty food and fun fitness to keep you ready to enjoy your adventure.
In addition to RV travel, we have enjoyed several cruises together. We have sailed with Disney, NCL, Princess, and Royal Caribbean. Each line has something great to offer. Whether camping, hiking, sailing, or cruising we have had a lifetime of travel adventures.
We hope you find this site helpful and look forward to crossing paths with you soon. Enjoy your journey.
About Erling
Howdy. I’m Erling and I enjoy spending time outdoors camping, sailing and hiking. We travel with our camper, a Grand Design Transcend 28MKS, visiting beautiful places including state and national parks. I am our family travel planner and love researching great places to stay.
I also really enjoy visiting Disney World. I have visited Disney World many times, enjoying all of the seasons and special events like the Arts Festival, Flower & Garden Festival, and Food & Wine.
For work and pleasure, I have had the opportunity to visit many countries including The British Virgin Islands, Canada, China, Denmark, Grand Cayman, India, Ireland, Mexico, Morocco, Norway, Spain and Sweden.

About Judy
Hi I’m Judy. I have had a lifetime love of sports and fitness. I enjoy doing outdoor activities like hiking and cycling. I try to stay fit by doing tough workouts like high intensity interval training.

I have enjoyed our adventures across the US. I also really enjoyed hiking the Camino de Santiago in Spain.

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